Little Less Lost
Another day in the United States of America. The familiar is just as shocking as all the new. Ohh! How surprising that the sky is blue here! Blue! And the apples are red. And the moon! There she is… up there, looking down at me. Sometimes even the sight of my reflection in a skyscraper gives me a fright. I don’t recognise myself. Who is that strange woman? Who does she think she is? Nice job cutting your bangs crooked again, you glossy idiot.
Little less lost. At least for now. I can walk all the way down Sacramento without pulling out my phone. Dodging the cars blaring their horns at each other—’beep…beep…beeeeeep’—like they’re sending morse code out into the air. Overtaking the tourists, with sensible walking shoes, and the lovers, with matching suntans, strolling slow. Watching the businessmen ride their mid life crisis off into the sunset on a single-wheel Segway.
I guess they’re all right, in a way. Times like these do call for Segways, suntans, and sensible walking shoes. I like it here. I like the city in all its odd beauty. I like the traffic jams and the crowds. I like listening to everyone talk. I like meeting all my heroes. I like walking alone. I like walking beside you. I like writing it all down. I like how everything happens, and happens, and continues to happen. Another day in the United States of America. Not from ’round here, but in San Francisco, maybe no one is.
Originally published on World’s Greatest Internship here.